Trainees when they meet

Participants from our traineeship programmes gathered for a professional day at the MagNet Community Centre. The meeting was initiated by the Aspect Group to give trainees the space and opportunity to make professional and informal connections with each other. Because of our positive experience with this approach, we place a strong emphasis not only on networking between members of our organisations, but also in our various support and internship programmes.

The aim of the current meeting was thus to bring trainees active in different cities, but especially in Debrecen, Miskolc, Pécs and Szeged, closer together, to get to know each other’s thoughts, feelings and opinions on issues affecting society, and to learn about each other’s activities.

In the afternoon, a workshop was held for members of informal groups of trainees. The aim of the meeting, organised by the Alternative Communities Association in the framework of the Civil Incubator programme, was to better understand, through joint reflection, who people belonging to informal groups are, why these groups are formed, why they often remain informal and what their needs are, and what a support organisation can do to help them. The workshop and a recently completed research have laid the foundations for a development programme that aims to support informal groups in the future: and to support them better.